Foundation | Event | School Clubs

Over the past three years; SIS have many good reasons to start a school club for its students. Having different forms of club activity in school really makes campus to be fun and enjayable and as well make students gain leadership experience by some of the positions by these clubs. However, our main objective or other reasons for us starting a club and engage students in traditional programs of the school was to let them have the opportunity to pursue an interest of career that may come their way and help them in future.

Our school clubs focuses on more specific topics for any of the clubs on campus. For example, UCMAS club, the spelling Bee club, Maths and Science club, Creativity and Enterpreneurship club and finally but no the lest Cardiology Initiative.

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Event Categories | Event Calender

• SIS Graduation • STEM
• SIS Career Day • Ready Readers
• Heritage Friday • Educational tour
• Excursion - Educational Tour • Quiz
• Career | Universal Children Day • OutReach
• SAYS Foundation • Spelling Bee
• Carols Night • Maths & Science
• Creativity & Entrepreneurship • Cardiology Initiative